Garbage Disposal & Sanitation Systems Ltd.

Zero Waste Energy Conservation 3

Friday, November 02, 2012

Here are a few top tips for reducing energy usage. These can be applied to your homes as well.

Air Conditioning (Cooling)

· Find out how the cooling systems for your office operate, and take advantage of any energy efficient functions that are built in.

· Most staff are comfortable at 21-23°C. Set air-conditioning to come on only when temperatures exceed 24°C.

· Turn off cooling in unoccupied rooms, making sure they are well ventilated to prevent condensation and mould. Only use these systems when people are actually in the rooms/building.

· Consider using timers and temperature control sensors to control output. For example, an optimiser sensor fitted externally to your office building can set cooling controls to start up before staff arrive and shut off once the building is at the optimum temperature.

· Make sure windows and doors are closed when air-conditioning is on.

· If your office is being refurbished, consider installing double or triple glazed windows, and encourage cleaners to close blinds/curtains to prevent solar gain when rooms are unoccupied.

Office equipment

• Purchase equipment with the EU ENERGY STAR® standard or similar. If your computer has the ‘power save’ feature, make sure it is activated
• Screen savers do not save energy.
Enable ‘power-down’ settings and insist that staff switch off their computer monitors when not in use, including when away from their desks for meetings or breaks.

• During the refurbishment or replacement of equipment, request data on the average power consumed under typical operating conditions, and the standby and low energy consumption rates.

• Some energy saving settings can save as little as 10% of the energy used when in use, so switch off all equipment where possible or fit a simple plug-in timer. Alternatively, fit an energy saving plug to PCs that automatically switch off peripherals when the PC is switched off.