Garbage Disposal & Sanitation Systems Ltd.

Five Steps to Sustainable Water Use - Part 3

Friday, July 27, 2012

Step 4: Changing Behaviour
Educating water users
The only way to change behaviours or encourage the change you want is to ensure that everyone in your organisation is made aware of the need to be water efficient. Consider how you can engage staff members to discourage wasteful behaviour and promote water conservation.
Think about the following:

a) Designating a “water champion” or a “water team” to promote the changes.
b) Develop a system for reporting water issues – such as leaks – and ensure that staff members are aware. Ensure that this system is easy to follow and access. Make sure that action is taken swiftly as this will reinforce the value of the staff as a resource for change
c) Your awareness programme should be promoted to everyone – put up posters, stickers, send out e-mails or bulletins.
d) Arrange a staff awareness day that not only teaches your staff members about conservation at the workplace but also at home.

Maintenance programmes:
Establish preventative maintenance programme and utilise your water team to do regular checks for leaks.
Step 5: Monitor and report on Successes Monitor any reduction in water consumption
Monitoring your consumption allows you to assess the success of measures implemented and provides information to feed back to staff and management.

Points to note:

a) Record the date of any installations or events that may change consumption patterns.
b) Try to read meters on the same time and day each week/month, to minimise the impact of change in use on different days of the week.
c) Remember that the ADU calculation can be worked out for any period you choose. Try to reduce your ADU, as calculated during Step 1.
Report on your success

Provide staff with the progress updates, through internal communication. This will continue to reinforce the change in behaviour.

Consider whether to report your progress externally, through your Annual Reports or through your website. It should be noted that reductions and your water conservation programme can be a stepping-stone onto an accredited Environmental Management System.